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Donor Story

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I have had "Donating my eggs" on my bucket list since I was twelve years old. Although I love working with children, I've never truly wanted to have my own. I've always wanted to help people, whether it's by donating blood or my hair; I love to know that a piece of me could be positively benefiting a stranger's life. It’s a great feeling knowing a stranger out there is connected to you and you've both positively changed your lives!

I chose to donate my eggs to the London Egg Bank because they supported my family through the conception of my baby brother, and I knew it was a trustworthy and positive egg donation clinic to work with!

Donating Eggs Cta

“It’s a great feeling knowing a stranger out there is connected to you and you've both positively changed your lives!”

My experience as an egg donor from the first telephone interviews to being scanned at a clinic in Bristol, has been relatively smooth! During the whole process, I was fully informed and given lots of encouragement and empathy from London Egg Bank. I was greeted by friendly nurses and practitioners, and I felt very looked after.

Because I've thought about this for over ten years, the whole egg donation process was straightforward for me. I had no trouble with the injections/medication. I didn't feel that nervous about the clinic visits. Although, for the egg collection, I was really nervous due to not having an operation for a very long time, but it all went well! The decision to donate my eggs has been one of the easiest decisions of my life, and one I will be making again in the future!

I feel comfortable that a donor-conceived person can learn the identity of their egg donor when he or she turns 18. It's their choice and I would be more than happy to get to know them at a later date if that's what they wish. But if I never hear from any of my little eggs, I am more than happy because I know that they know who they are and who their families are without needing anything more, and to me that's all that matters!

Even though some of my family members disagreed with my decision, it was my choice and I am over the moon to have finally followed through on 12-year-old me's wishes!

Donating Eggs Cta

“I chose to donate my eggs to the London Egg Bank because they supported my family through the conception of my baby brother, and I knew it was a trustworthy and positive clinic to work with!”

What advice would you give to people thinking about having an egg donation experience? I would say: Just do it! If it's something you've thought of, what more can you give to a stranger than being able to have their own children? Learn more about how to donate eggs and reach out to those who have gone through the egg collection before you. It's not such a scary process and community is so important! Know that you are doing an incredible thing, and it's amazing to be a part of it!

Could you become an Egg donor? Make a real difference to another woman’s life. Your generous gift will give another woman the chance of having a family of her own

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